But I don't think you will have much luck growing them in jars. Some of the easiest are mint, chives, coriander, parsley and basil. They can easily be killed by too much water. Those mason jar planters you saw online are adorable, yes, but are they the best way to grow herbs indoors? The main thing is to make sure the containers drain well so the roots don’t rot. Select a large, deep jar to put the herb in. Make a wooden vertical frame using scrap wood pieces, next install your Mason jars on it using a hose clamp, set them an angle and write down the names of the herb insides! You need a pot that drains. While the mason jars are cute, the plants won’t last long or thrive. Another big surprise and Mason jar crafting wonder is here to amaze your senses, the vertical indoor Mason jar garden that will be the cheapest every way to grow your herbs! ; The minimum amount of full-sun per day for many herbs is 5-6 hours. Good soil- Make sure you have good potting soil and that containers drain well. Pick something with a narrow neck that prevents the herb stem from falling over. Get ready for some frank talk about indoor herbs. Herbs really do best outdoors, but there are some that do fine indoors if we can provide the right growing conditions.. Light. If that isn’t an option, select a small vase or another container that can support the fresh cutting. A second option is to harvest your plants from outside (plant in free-draining potting soil in a pot with a hole in direct sunlight, water daily) and put the cut herbs in cute labeled mason jars with water … Mason jars work very well for growing herbs indoors. Container- Size of containers vary depending on the plant. Just grow whatever you like to eat. Growing pothos in glass jars is easy as the plant has very few demands. If you have full-sun exposure at a window, or grow-lights (you can see what I use here), you should be fine. The number one consideration is light.Most herbs like full sun. In the link at the top of this post, I show you how to grow herbs in mason jars indoors. Herb varieties like basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, chives, dill, cilantro, thyme, mint, and watercress can be grown in mason jars and glass bottles easily. This article will give you a healthy dose of realistic expectations for indoor herbs and the knowledge to create beautiful indoor … Most herbs will grow indoors with a little TLC.