This African bird species has a very limited distribution and is declining due to loss of its savannah habitat. comm. There is also an isolated population on a plateau in Colombia. Most larks are dull colored birds with streaked, brown, and white plumages that match their grassland habitats. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Horned Lark strigata subspecies Eremophila alpestris strigata. Beauchesne, S.M. 129+ xii pp. 2005. Technical Report Series Number 320, Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, British Columbia. Northwest Science 85:194-222. Unfortunately, the amount of collection or nest finding effort was not documented, but it is speculated that effort was not extensive and this cryptic bird could have been easily overlooked (Campbell et al. One- and two-noted calls have a characteristic sweet quality and are most often heard in fall and winter. Streaked Horned Lark is listed as Endangered on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act, and protected from persecution by the Migratory Bird Convention Act, 1994, and the British Columbia Wildlife Act. Finch and P.W. Identification guide to North American birds: part 1. Many thanks to Scott Pearson for providing access to several recent unpublished reports on Streaked Horned Lark in the US portion of its range, to John M. Cooper for commenting on the draft document, and to technical reviewers. Discover them all with Birds of the World. [CDATA[
Beauchesne, S.M. "pit-wit,wee-pit,pit-wee", "tsee-tete", "zeet". Horned Larks are known to tolerate grazing and irregular operation of machines, but tend to nest away from urban landscapes and may suffer nest destruction from mowing or other vehicular traffic. Knapp. No threats calculator call was completed, because there is currently no known population on which threats could act. 2014. The subspecies is partially migratory to non-migratory, with winter records outside the breeding range in eastern Washington and Oregon and northern California (American Ornithologists’ Union 1957; Pearson and Altman 2005; Pearson et al. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Range, abundance and movement patterns of wintering Streaked Horned Larks in Oregon and Washington. These birds return to their birthplace after every migration (a characteristic known as philopatric). 2008). Beauchesne, S.M. The historical breeding distribution of Streaked Horned Lark is restricted to the coastal lowlands of southern British Columbia, Washington and Oregon (Beason 1995; Figure 1). Look carefully at a bare, brown field, especially in winter, and you may be surprised to see it crawling with little brown shapes. Streaked Horned Lark has dark brown upperparts with a walnut brown nape. 347 pp. This summer we monitored Horned Lark nests in areas with high and low recreational use to study these effects. They have a distinct look with a dark stripe across their face and throat, yellow or white eyebrows, ears, and chin, and, of course, the tufts of feathers that create their “horns.” These birds are widespread – they breed in open habitats across North America – and abundant in many sites. We’re interested in how outdoor recreation in the sagebrush steppe impacts Horned Lark nesting success, or the percent of nests that have eggs where chicks hatch and survive until they leave the nest (fledge). Parks Canada Agency. Nests are usually situated with a protective object (e.g., a lump of dirt, tuft of grass or other vegetation) to one side, possibly to help maintain the temperature within the nest by shading and shelter from winds (With and Webb 1993; Nelson and Martin 1995). Correspondence with L. Blight. In British Columbia, habitats used include agricultural fields, airports, beaches, sand dunes, short-grass playing fields, road sides, and other areas with bare ground. Cannings, R.J. 1981. The last confirmed breeding record for British Columbia was in 1978, although breeding was suspected at the Vancouver International Airport in 1981 (Butler and Campbell 1987). Conservation Data Centre, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Victoria, British Columbia. Coastal Vesper Sparrow Population Monitoring at the Nanaimo Airport, Cassidy, B.C. Defining conservation strategies with historical perspectives: a case study from a degraded oak grassland ecosystem. Only one of these provides any evidence of breeding behaviour, and the observed individual, a singing male recorded on 29 April 2015, was identified as probably being a late-migrating articola ssp. //