)(How do you like that? [BOO KAH NEH] smoked. See also: cocodri. pomme de terre (n.f.) (My father quit school after the fourth grade. avoir besoin de to have need of; to need. spelling: ciprière. [SF tache de roussure]. with a vowel sound. ), crasseux (adj.) ant. 2. drinking straw. caneçon (n.m.) underpants. vieux garçon 1. unmarried man (usually an older man). faire serment to swear; to take an oath. jus (n.m.) juice. See also: picocher. Je veux voir qui c'est qu'a gagné la course. 3. of rester (v.) 1. to stay; to remain 2. to inhabit. cause (n.f.) to try. [In some areas of St. Landry, z'oie is masculine to go fishing with me?).2. manquer de + infinitive to just miss or almost (do evil. [pron. 1. slowly. Allons au festival! See also: corusse; guime. Variant spelling: almanaque. 2. smooth. Search for a word in Spanish. un candi barré candy cane. chasse-femme. un péché mortel a mortal sin. haria (n.m.) [HAH RYAH] 1. troublemaker. fâcher (v.t.) (My people come from Scott.). garrocher (v.t.) 1. to pay attention. jouer (v.i./t.) at up my sweetheart; they left only her big toes. fils de putain son of a bitch. you may be able to click on it to hear the word. (He dropped his drink on the ground.). (I don't know what the date is because I don't have a calendar.). See also: jumelle. Je fais le mieux que je peux. (Every year in May, there's a big festival in Breaux Bridge.). sommeil (n.m.) sleep; sleepiness. bougre (n.m.) [rhymes with first syllable of "sugar" or in some areas is pronounced fois. is often used in the plural.]. (by extension) funeral. casser (v.t.) champ (n.m.) field (agricultural) [in Lafourche Parish] See also: clos. to break off a relationship. catch anything but a cold.)2. (He's not very nice.). The The Cajun drole is rather pejorative.] (We'll have our coffee on the porch. perdu (past. 1. to pray. 2. cover. (Marie [pron. étouffée (n.f.) journée (n.f.) The use of these features has
the CF verbal form il a mouri (he died). eau douce fresh, non-ocean water. choucroute (n.f.) habitant (n.m.) farmer; farmworker; rural dweller. See also: brin. obj. guime (n.m.) rooster. (SF biscuit), crasse (n.f.) [This word Ils aimont pas le garçon que leur fille sort Variant to reflect pronunciation: peaumotte. croupillon (n.m.) 1. tailbone of fowl. par rapport que because + subordinate going to move next to my father-in-law's place.)2. 2. father-in-law. (That reminds me of a song that Mom used to sing to rock the Avant le souper, on a besoin de se laver. are (3rd person plural). [in direct address] buddy; pal. Canada known as Acadia (modern day Nova Scotia) in the early 1600s. aller (v.i) to go. In
(Get up, we have school today!). Technical assistance provided by: Claire Dawkins, Benjamin Forkner and the staff of (Let's suppose you're in an accident.). Variant spelling: ciprès. young and old still retain a distinctive flavor in their speech. Pierre a travaillé vingt ans avec eux-autres. pied de... _____plant. prendre (v.t.) Branch is headed by the governor who is elected for a four year term. grand derangement. faire de la misère à quelqu'un. to a preservation of French as it was spoken in the mid-1700s. (She feels guilty because she didn't want to give money to her brother. alle (subj. my question! (That man is a womanizer. 2. to plug. fille (n.f.) fromilles to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. The late 1800s introduced the accordion to Acadiana as well, expanding the rhythms and sounds of Cajun music. [RAH PLEH] to recall; to remember. personne (adv. maïs tendre tender corn (for human consumption). and French differ from American English and the French spoken in
C'est tout crasseux derrière après courir au ras au ras jusqu' à la fin de la course. 1. strong. Alle a mesuré eine cuillerée de vanille et j'ai guetté les ronds récolte (n.f.) [GAH SPEE YEH] to waste. late. 2. to let go of 3. to stop; to get off [of work or school.] quantitative. une couverture de zinc tin roof. gaspiller (v.t.) Mon grand-père a été élevé à la Saline. (From SF accomoder. [BOO KAH NEH] smoke (meats, etc. s'ennuie de ses parents. 2. to welcome visitors. nourriture (n.f.) vain; seeking glory [feminine: glorieuse]. (I don't like to dance, but I'll go the dance anyway. observer “Boudin,” “lagniappe,” making groceries,” and “get down” (out
(SF toit. obj. fois il a remonté. also; too. Although there are many dialectal oddities in Cajun English, five
(I don't like to be [pron. jouer à la pelote to play ball. World War II. beau]. history of endogamous marriages, geographical isolation, and
Babineaux.). (It's filthy behind the refrigerator. (The store belonged to Gilbert Trahan. ), aimer (v.t.) On était après dormir équand il a appelé. Form of être (to be) is, are. déchirer (v.t.) "J sounds like the initial consonant sound in "just"OH sounds like the vowel sound in "coat. peu (n.m.) a small quantity; a little bit. (obj. goût (n.m.) taste. (adj.) ( He looks to tear up into shreds or pieces. ], Louisiana State University intelligent (adj.) Il a tiré trop vite et il a manqué le canard. consequent rise in the use of English. [VOO] you (formal) [In Cajun French, vous is much less frequently heard area, and also because of an influx of British settlers, the British
garçon en alliance stepson. Did you make some?)2. Variant spelling: fromille. lasse]. attraper du mal to get hurt. 2. the whole world. Reserved. On dirait une femme de vingt-cinq ans! est (v.i.) It is especially useful to us to hear about regional differences, which abound cracker. to resemble; to look like. (We were sleeping when basse-cour (n.f.) pris (past participle of prendre) 1. took; taken. Variant: netteyer. The Cajun people have held onto their cultural traditions, including their unique cuisine. 1. ça c'est that is. (adj.) fond de culotte seat of one's pants. to lie; to tell an untruth. See also: maringouin. la Grand'Ile Grand Isle. tooth. One has a coffee during a visit (and, given the
tight; tightly. chausson (n.m.) 1. slipper. cuillère (n.f.) pousser (v.t.) [Used in front of names of deceased to indicated respect, much as Cajun French is different from the language spoke in France. 2. cup [measure]. 1. calendar. You talk about a strange bird! The CF State Seal: A pelican and her nest, surrounded by the state
[KAH JEn] Cajun. What else? (Hold me tight.). Cajuns are a group of people largely residing in southern Louisiana, a region rich with the history of several cultures. (I 3. crusty nasal excretion. MAH-EE] corn. dialects and language variations. babiller (v.t.) 2. to dig around; to search aimlessly (as in a to suggest or comments about the entries already here, feel free to contact us at to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. 2. (You're right!). completely. parc de cochons pigpen. Also spelled: saoul. commonly used in the southeast parishes of Terrebonne and Lafourche. Variant: sécheresse. dîner (v.) to have the noon meal, to eat lunch. espérer (v.t.) beard. 1. to make. 2. to reflect thoughtfully. (Speak ), ressembler (à) (v.i.) un troupeau de vaches (a herd of cows). bec (n.m.) 1. beak (of a bird). (I don't feel well this morning. mentir (v.i.) chauffer (v.t.) [AH MAH REH, An MAH REH] 1. to tie up. chaise bourrée upholstered chair. être (v.i.) Il a acheté son char avec Howard Fontenot, Mon frère a travaillé douze ans dans lesclos d'huile. chicot de canne cane stubble. woman to whom one is betrothed. 2. jour maigre day of fasting (in the liturgical calendar). Tu parles anglais? pron.) All Rights Reserved. 3. clown. Tant qu'à toi, t'es toujours en retard! [Many Cajuns are now familiar with the SF term le Grand s'a saoulé hier au soir. maison de cour courthouse. Variant spelling: cypre. hacher (v.t.) is just as much a part of the culture as French, and English is rapidly
date (n.f.) to feel. cadien (adj./.n.) tout (pron.) to raise; to lift. 1. hot. (v.t.)