Materiel is foam board: The Foamboard is made of foam and the outside is paper-covered. * After testing a series of tests, i found out, reseting the arduino is the best option. All Up Weight: 425 grams. Yes, you heard that right. I connected the power supply wires, and double-checked my connections. After mapping the values, then these are stored in the array data at locations 0 and 1. data[0] = map(analogRead(JOYSTICK_X), 0, 1023, 0, 255); // joystick1 VRx, data[1] = map(analogRead(JOYSTICK_Y), 0, 1023, 0, 255); // Joystick1 VRy. Arduino simple radio control. defined variables for storing the data which is received from the transmitter. You can do that whichever way you want. Flying an RC plane is awesome and building one is fun. Read more about the Arduino powered R/C airplane The CE pin is connected with the Arduino’s pin number 9, the CSN pin is connected with pin 10, SCK is connected with Pin 13, MOSI is connected with Pin 11, and finally, the MISO pin of the NRF24L01 is connected with the Arduino’s pin number 12. So why not to make it? Our transmitting unit consist of an Arduino Nano connected to a HC12 Wireless communication module and the Joystick. The Transmitter side circuit is already given above which consists of the same NRF24L01 Transceiver module, Arduino, a pushbutton, and three potentiometers, which are used for controlling the speed, Left Right, and Up-Down movement. One program is written for the Transmitter side while the other program is written for the Receiver side. If you want to incorporate more potenetiometers than 8 then you will have to use a bigger arduino or a multiplexer chip, which can get confusing. 4 years ago, Sorry typo error I meant can u modify it for nrf, Does the battery voltage matter? In this instructable I'll show you how to make fully working RC plane.Where to start?There are two ways: you make the whole fuselage … The white wire is connected with the Arduino’s pin number 3. So, after I was done with the testing. This is a limitation with the AtMega328. // we are going to place our default code over here. If you have any questions regarding this project or any other project let me know in a comment. I was also able to control the speed of the Brushless DC motor. I'm not sure how light you can build your arduino plane. On the search bar, type RF24 and scroll down to the one it says “RF24 by TMRh20” and click on install. Next I defined pins for the CE, CSN, the joystick, and pushbutton. The code will have to be modified to make it work, what fight controller did you use or was the arduino acting as both flight controller and reciever, The arduino was both. Serial.println(“Nrf24L01 Receiver Starting”); The purpose of the following if condition is to check, if the receiver has received any data from the transmitter. the description pretty much says everything important but the pictures are no longer accurate (I've added the long range NRF and a USB extender going from the Arduino's mini USB out the back of the shell where it terminates in the Arduino Uno's printer USB (i forget the name). Share it with us! Mar 13, 2020 - Can model aircraft be controlled with a simple Arduino radio controller? Yes, you heard that right. Make sure you use the same address on both sides. Hey, I'm having trouble understanding step 3. Alright, new update, so I have an idea to make the RC plane and I have some of the parts, the parts I have are an arduino uno, a motor contorller shield for arduino, and a bluetooth module as well as a program on my phone that will be able to control 2 dc motor. Flight performance is very good. It was a real fun while working on this project. The pushbutton controls the transfer of control between the two potentiometers. On the other side of the speed controller, we have a total of 5 wires. How to make RC Plane with Arduino and NRF24L01– In this tutorial, you will learn how to make an RC jet plane and design your own wireless transmitter and receiver circuits based on the NRF24L01 Pa + LNA Transceiver modules and Arduino boards. The servo library works the same for servos as for ESCs. Which motor, servo's and battery did you use? Wingspan: 20 inches. The arduino will not control the plane, just log data. Stick the battery and the Arduino to the back cover of the Transmitter battery using tape or a glue gun. /* the purpose of of defining the receiver_reset pin is to programmly reset the arduino, While using the NRF24 Transceiver modules, * you will notice one most prominent issue, which is the connection is lost, Some guys are using the technique of using the default values. * resets automatically. “In this tutorial we will learn how to make an Arduino based RC receiver. Make sure the throttle is set to 0 and no prop is in when you are testing. To control the Up-Down and Left-Right movement of the RC Plane I used two potentiometers on the transmitter side along with a pushbutton. You can test with a wired connection by connecting each arduino's Tx to Rx on the other, bypassing the XRF/Xbee. The design of rc aeroplane needs knowledge of aerodynamics and simple mechanics. The instruction "How to build 8 Channel Transmitter nrf24l01 Arduino" introduce how to make 8 channel transmitter from 4 channel RC plane.All existing electronic boards had been taken off ,remaining 4 potentiometers of each control channels would be used after and adding new 4 potentiometers for more 4 control channels. DIY A10 Thunderbolt-like RC Plane; How To Make Fast RC Boat. The black and red wires are connected with the three male headers and also with the Vin and ground pin of the Arduino Nano. The bigger gas planes use full size servos. Repository containing all sources of the program sources of my arduino powered homemade RC plane made out of extruded polystyrene - vmercy/RCPlane exit status 1 I had two primary objectives when beginning this project: 1) Achieve sustained level flight using our autopilot program 2) Ability to switch between radio controlled and arduino controlled flight I strongly recommend that you already have some experience flying RC airplanes, otherwise you should look for your own plane and get some stick time. After doing this thing I didn’t notice any abnormal code execution. I will not be covering how to construct your own airplane, I am trying to focus on the autopilot. Step 1: Design:-. Its possible change the xrf ciseco modules for nrf24l01?